Frequently Asked Questions


When does the next class start?

Classes begin Winter, Spring and Fall every year, usually in February, June, and September. 

When are classes held?

Classes are scheduled Monday through Thursday.  We offer a day class that meets from 9:00am to 1:30pm and an evening class that meets from 6:00pm to 10:30pm Monday through Thursday.  There are no Friday, Saturday or Sunday classes.  In addition, 50 hours of intern clinic must be completed.

What is the length of your program?

Our program is 36 weeks long, and classes are offered Monday through Thursday, plus 50 intern clinic hours.

How many hours is your program?

650 clock hours.

What is the cost?

See this page for a complete break-down.

What do I have to do to apply?

You must be 18 years of age, and have a high school diploma or GED. First, you should schedule a tour and interview with the director. Then, you will need to complete an application form and supply all of the required information, including your high school transcript, physician's statement of health, official transcripts from any post secondary schools attended, 3 short essays, and two personal references. Please click here to request a catalog for a full description of the process and an application form.

Are you accredited?

Yes. We are authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the governing body for post-secondary schools in Tennessee. In addition, our institution is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Do you have financial assistance?

Financial Aid is available for those who qualify. We also offer a payment plan and other options to help make your tuition payments manageable.

So, when I finish I get my license?

Actually, you'll receive a diploma stating that you have completed our massage therapy program.  You will then apply to the state for your license, and comply with all of their requirements, including passing a competency exam (MBLEx) in order to get your license. We are confident that our program will prepare graduates for that test.

How do I get my license?

We review the entire application process in our TN Law classes.

Can I move to any state and practice?

Each state has different requirements.  We encourage students to become aware of various requirements prior to moving/completing our program.

Isn't there a National Certification?

No. There used to be but it didn't allow for practice nationwide.

What types of job opportunities are available?

Lots! Most graduates go into private practice and open their own business.  Many others wind up working in massage clinics, doctors' offices, salons, day spas, gyms, business offices doing seated-chair massage, and some even travel the world doing massage in many locations.

Can this field become overpopulated (like physical therapy)?

No. Each person is going to seek out the therapist who meets their needs. Every graduate of our program learns the same information, yet each graduate has a style all his or her own.  As long as you're willing to put forth the effort to make yourself known, you will succeed.

What's the average annual salary for people in this field?

Salaries can vary dramatically depending on the situation. The AMTA has more information on the state of the industry in their annual Fact Sheet.

Do you offer a job placement service?

Direct placement is not guaranteed, but a current listing of available employment opportunities is kept on file.  The file and advisement service are available to all MBI students and graduates.

Can I work as a massage therapist before I finish school?

You can do all the free massage you want. You just can't be compensated for it without a license (a stipulation of Tennessee law).

How is your program different from the other schools?

  1. We offer a full time program that meets four days a week and allows you to finish in 36 weeks.
  2. We start hands-on classes by the second week.  Many other programs make you complete prerequisites prior to any hands-on work.
  3. You are given syllabi on the first day of class that tell you what is going on every day in class.  In other words, we have put the curriculum together already - you just have to show up and participate.  Other programs have a college-style curriculum, where you have to decide/decipher what to take and when.
  4. And last but certainly not least, MBI was established by massage therapists.  The program is based on many years of experience, knowing what students did and didn't want out of a program like this.

How much at-home preparation/course work is there?

The academic work IS college level material. However, our instructors present the material in a fun and inviting fashion. We also structure our classes so that the first half is typically lecture and the second half often includes hands-on work.  And, because it's massage school, you'll be receiving massages each week--that's not too bad!  On average we say you should expect to spend six to ten hours outside of class per week depending on your study skills/habits.

I haven't been in school in several years. I'm worried I won't be able to pass.

As long as you're willing to make the commitment to show up and participate, WE will commit to helping you understand the information and pass the program. We do not "give" grades just to make sure everyone passes. We will monitor your progress and intervene early if we have any concerns about your progress.

I work full time…I don't know if I'll have enough time to work and come to class.

The majority of our students work full-time jobs while coming to class. You have to remember that although the information is college-level material, we're keeping it light and fun. And you'll be getting massages in class, which always helps reduce YOUR stress. Finally, keep in mind that the program is 36 weeks and you'll be out and on to a new exciting profession.

Do you enroll international students?

Yes! MBI is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students. Call us for more information or see the Study in the States website.