CE List


Continuing Education

Event Event Date Capacity Registered Available place Register
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 3/6/25 03-06-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 4/3/25 04-03-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
PNMT for the Shoulder (April 2025) 04-05-2025 9:00 am 30 30
PNMT for the Arm and Hand (April 2025) 04-06-2025 9:00 am 30 30
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 5/1/25 05-01-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 6/5/25 06-05-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 7/3/25 07-03-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 8/7/25 08-07-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 9/4/25 09-04-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Synergetic™ Myofascial Method and functional movement assessments 09-27-2025 9:00 am 30 30
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 10/2/25 10-02-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 11/6/25 11-06-2025 9:00 am Unlimited
Practical Orthopedic Assessment - Upper Extremity 11-08-2025 9:00 am 30 30
PNMT Form and Function (November 2025) 11-15-2025 9:00 am 30 30
Moving to TN? Reciprocity - 12/4/25 12-04-2025 9:00 am Unlimited